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Club Tournaments
In 2022 we are running the following club competitions


The draws and guidance for all of these are below - the scores will be updated from time to time.  All competitions are played in two blocks with the winner of each block competiting in a final on or near a final's day at the end of the season.

We also aim to run the following competitions:

  • Speed Croquet, a one day doubles tournament played on half lawns with 30 minute time limits for each side.

  • A one day GC singles or doubles event.

Verulam Cup (26 point AC)

The draw is shown below, see below for further guidance.


Final: Chris Frost beat Brian Johns (23-21)

22 Verulam Final

Kitson Cup (18 point AC)
The draw is shown below.  In an 18 point game when your first ball goes through hoop 1, then place the clip for your second ball on hoop 9 (3 back).  See below for further guidance.


Final: Andrew Apps beat Roger Bowman (18-3)

22 Kitson Final

Mahoney Shield (14 point AC)
The draw is shown below.  This competition is played on a half-lawn (and is limited to players with a handicap above 10 at the start of the season).  See below for further guidance.


Final: Stuart Stafford beat Brian Johns +2 (14-12)
Brian left Stuart a half-ball target as he set up to peg out and that was enough for Stuart to hit in and peg out himself.

22 14pt Final

Golf Croquet Competition
The draw is shown below.  Within the blocks each game is a single GC game played on the full-lawn.  See below for further guidance.  Explaination of the scores are given below the table.


Final: Stuart Stafford beat Heather Bennett (7-1, 7-3)

IMG_20220924_110057 (002).jpg
IMG_20220924_103745 (002).jpg
22 GC Final

If players have the same handicap, the score in hoops and then the difference is shown.  I.e. 7-5 (+2), the person that is named on the left side of the table scored 7 hoops, the person that is named at the top of the table scored 5 hoops and the first play won by 2 hoops.

If players have different handicaps, then:

  • The top left numbers are the number of hoops scored.

  • The bottom left numbers are the 'advantage' for each play (e.g. the number of hoops subtracted or added to that actual number of hoops scored - see guidance below for more details).

  • The bottom right numbers is the adjusted score (the top left numbers plus the bottom left numbers).  One of these will be 7 indicating the person who won.

  • The top right number is the hoop difference (i.e. the difference between the two numbers in the bottom right).

Additional Guidance for AC Competitions

Time limits:

There are no time limits to the club tournaments this year unless both players agree to limit the time, either before the match, or during the match.

The minimum time limits are:

  • 26 point -  3 hours      

  • 18 point  - 2 hours

  • 14 point  - 1.5 hours   (half-lawn Short Croquet)

  • +15 minutes if double-banked (2 games on same lawn)


  • bisques: check your handicap and bisque allowances on the charts on the board. Please agree them before the start of the game.

  • Full bisques for 14 point half-lawn games.

  • Other games bisques allowed are the difference between the players’ handicaps except  if both players are handicap 10+ then play off base 10 (ie. player with h12 would get 2 bisques and player with h18 would get 8 bisques)

  • Toss coin – winner chooses to go in 1st/2nd or chooses colours

  • Start time when first ball is struck.


End of Timed Game:

  • The non-playing side calls time and the in-player continues until their turn ends.

  • No more bisques can be taken by either side once time has  been called.

  • The other side then has one further turn.

  • If time is called after one player’s turn has finished, and before the next player has started their turn, then each player has one more turn.

  • If the game is still a draw after extra turns, play continues until the next hoop is scored by one side. (This is called the Golden Hoop!) 

There should be no draws on the result sheet !


Record Score on sheet  

Record the hoop score for each side, please (eg. 14 – 10, not  just +4)

Put your score first going across from your name on the score sheet

Record score on your handicap card for full lawn games



Additional Guidance for GC Competition

Most people have been allocated a 10 handicap (the only exceptions are Heather, Stephen and Stuart).

If you are playing another 10 handicap, then you will play level, so the game is played over 12 hoops, and the winner is the first to 7 points. If there is a tie after 12 hoops (6-6) play hoop 3 again (Golden Hoop).


If the handicaps are different, use the Advantage GC chart and instructions on the hut wall (the stronger player will advise you!).  It can also be found at

For example if a 10 handicap places a 3 handicap find 3 on the handicaps for the stronger player (across), and then go up the column to 10 (weaker player)  -2 : 2

So the 3 handicap starts at -2 hoops and has to win 9 hoops to win (carry 8 clips to put on hoops won, and then will win on 9th hoop, so no clip)

The 10 handicap starts at +2 and has to win only 5 hoops to win (will carry 4 clips)

This means that you may have to play more than 12 hoops – just continue from 12 to 1 again!



  • Use the coloured clips to keep the score and agree score each hoop. Clips are in a box on the shelf below the kettles.

  • Record score on results chart  e.g. 7 : 6

  • Record all results on your handicap card.


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