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Club Tournaments
In 2024 we ran the following all season club competitions:
The Verulam Cup, 26 point AC, played on the full lawn.
The Kitson Cup, 18 point AC, played on the full lawn.
The Mahoney Shield, 14 point AC, played on a half lawn.
A full lawn Golf Croquet competition
The competitions for 2025 have still to be determined (but are likely to follow a similar pattern). Details will be posted here once they are agreed.
We will also run some or all the following one day competitions that were run in 2024:
6th Apr - A charity one-ball event.
25th May - A one-day alternate shot progressive doubles competition
8th Jun - Speed Croquet, a progressive doubles tournament played with 25 minute time limits for each side.
6th Jul - GC fun doubles

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